Wednesday, December 24, 2008

long time again!

it's been such a long time that i may as well have forgotten how to write. i'll try nevertheless. i'm back at home for starters and i'm doing the self-same things i do here, ever so regularly. sleeping till slightly late, having the long-drawn conversations with 'the parents', but ablutions and bathing every day but i'm not complaining so much because i do them quite unwittingly.

Before I tell about the last 10 days or something, i will tell that as of now, i'm loving tennis. yesterday also, after dinner, despite mum's repeated no-no-no's me and debo went and played tennis in the club. But it was a mud court against cement, which gives better bounce to the ball, i think. But I also changed my racquet, so it took me a while to get used to that also. But it was very very satisfying. Debo like always was acting smart (The other day, he told me that even if he's at his ugliest best, mum n dad would've been prouder having him than I). He played really well. I wonder if it is his talent or my lack of it that makes him emerge better. Anyhow, the thing with him is that, he plays a lot of sports and if that's the threshold of a decent sports-man, he's just that much shorter in all of them, thereby not making it to any sport swimmingly.
But ya, this other couple of players came along and asked us if we wanted to play doubles with them and we acquiesced obviously. For the first time I played a match, and it was revealing I tell you.

Anyhow, that's that about tennis. Today's i'm leaving for rajasthan all over again. This time with my family and the extended one. I hope to have lottttss of fun, and Zoo will be missed :D If however, anyone wants anything from Jaipur, let know. It's going to be a bit of an unorganized and fun trip i feel because our tickets are not confirmed and we're giving it a shot anyway. This will be a test for mumma's patience. She's cribbed ample about it anyway. But she's usually like that when we're leaving for some place. She will keep working and working and then she will keep complaining about our not doing anything. She delegates also very badly. Like I peel potatoes while she cooks them. Like she's simon and i'm garfunkel :( It's just that I've heard simon sing alone and not garfunkel and also i think i heard it in a film. Or might it be because my dad perhaps prompted my mum to buy some Satyam shares, which obviously she's vastly disgusted about, what with the fiasco Ramalinga Raju has put his company in. Why Why I ask did he have to do this to Satyam. Like corporate really needed this because otherwise it was shining and thriving right??

Anyway, all of last week, we worked on Account Planning workshop with O & M on Tata Sky. Such a horrible account I must say. How will people feel about it if it's gone?? Not badly sure. It's not like it's a nail/mole that you'd hate to part with. Anyhow, this business of positioning is very cryptic. I wonder, if people must feel close to brands had it not been for marketing! Anyhow, working with disparate individuals, who may have wished to swap groups if that were possible was worth undergoing. It just told reams about how it can be sooo difficult to work in teams even in real organizations. Even so, in all the psychometric tests that we're asked to take for companies, working in teams is an imperative they invariable test. I dont know if I must answer correctly or correctly. Because I perform perhaps better when I'm alone but I'm still a team player and maybe it's the former that they'd deem more appropriate to recruit.

Then again, there are other things. Year's coming to an end. A new one is going to begin. My resolution is to start playing tennis matches :D Maybe it's time for me to start thinking about atp, no no not wta yet :d I will read more like always. I mean, like I always resolve. And Im going to be placed, yes I'd better be placed. And if that happens, I resolve to work very hard.

Then I'm extremely glad that this last leap year happened or I would've missed a lot. If I dont write this year, I'll write next year ofcourse but i'd probably toggle back and think about the last year and write about it maybe. (In any case, making public promises makes you commit a little more to the cause maybe.)

But this or that, I'm thankful for the good things and extremely grateful for all the lovely things and peoples and times and songs and dances and hang-overs and meditations and promises and their fulfilments. I'm hopeful that the not-so-lovely ones can teach me a lesson. I'm indeed glad for the journey with both this and that :)


Monday, December 8, 2008

of some more of the same things!

it's been a long time since I wrote. I think i'm forgetting how to write but that can't be because there is no such thing, that would be like forgetting to think and experience and see and observe and all of that.
anyway this past week has been good fun. i've had different kind of classes in modelling and analytics and in some market research.
there was a weekend, which I spent outside of the campus with the Kazirangan school friend and his friend, both of whom kept me interesting company over the weekend. In my mind, I would think about a lot of things that they would say and do and I thought some of them were very amusing. But I got to eat some nice Gujju and sweet food, especially made at home. I got to see how Gujarati sounds properly. I mean after having spent a lot of time in Ahmedabad also, there is little exposure we've had to Gujarati culture.
Anyhow, I saw Transporter 3, which was stylish and good-looking and really really fancy. I mean the violence also seemed less painful maybe. And driving and hitting suddenly delight me I think. I also saw Dil Kabaddi and I don't know whether to like it or dislike it. I mean there were times in the film when I liked it a lot and there were others when I hated it. Overall I think the sex comedy was good fun, one could laugh at it, laugh with it and scorn at it. Plural reactions and feelings it evoked in a matter of 2 hours. But I love the actors. There is no Abhishekness or Priyankaness in them. They are just brutally next-door and pretty in that sense. I mean I like it when I see people repeat clothes in films, keep their hair slightly tousled and not ironed all the time. I like it when lips look black, eyes look less kohly and when some pimples and some wrinkles and some fat show. I think that's very sexy.

Anyway, so we had a big report and presentation to make, which were both done at the nick of time. We worked in a fairly haphazard way with other group members. It was slipshoddy and I think more than anything else, it turned out to be a collection of disconnected thoughts thus leading to no cohesiveness. But these days that's how working on assignments with group members has become. Not like work, where more often than not we would find seniors and juniors who will make us go round their little fingers and who will go round our little fingers, respectively, everyone in college is at the same level. So group exercises have lately been split into many individual parts, where only the person who does that small bit becomes responsible for that part. Eventually, who would be responsible for the final part also becomes a matter of great concern and contention. Infact, work suffers immensely because no one feels it's their baby. Anyway, I like brainstorming and I like debating over issues, discussing things over and all that, but I don't think it happens anymore. Not in token, unreal assignments in college.

Anyway, I've dabbled with many sports lately. I was on tennis, but since PK has gone, I've played Badminton, in which I continue to s**k. I've also played table-tennis in which I continue to lose track of the ball. But anyhow, one day suddenly I think, I will show phenomenal improvement when everyone will look at my game with wonder and awe and admiration. But till such time, I will continue to dabble.

We've also gotten a good amount of shock from the placements committee. I may not be passing out with a job in my hand, what with the stupid meltdown, which had to and absolutely had to intervene and conspire against innocent children like me (sob..sob) and I think, there are shocks that I've still not been able to absorb properly, therefore I send my expressions-of-interest for any company coming to the campus, much later than the deadline is over. But I also don't forget to apologize to the committee. But then I dont know how to do this. To hedge my risk, I may have to sit for all companies that come to the campus, but if I do this, I may miss out on the righer and the more preferred companies since we will be out of the process at the first event of any company showing any interest in any candidate, in essence obliterating every company and every single candidate on the same level. Look what the world has come to (sob sob again)

O, lately I have been very fascinated with pictures. I love to look and appreciate them a lot. Lately also, Ive come across better photographers and cameras and subjects I think. But whatever it is, it's great to look at pictures and look at them again and again. Infact, I have this very very interesting picture on my desktop, with a baby held so close that he can probably hear the heartbeat :D, and it doesnt stop to fascinate me. When it does, it will be removed from my desktop and stored with good care in the archives. I think, it's also got to do with babies. I mean, there is something very telling about pictures with babies and how they are held or looked at. I mean, Freud might have something to say on it, on why such pictures inspire a lot of admiration.

Anyhow, I have to go and watch 'Shwas', an interesting Marathi film. So while I catch up with it, let everyone else sleep and dream really well!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nike's global optimization strategy

We have a massive International Marketing assignment on 'Using consumer Intelligence to create global brands' and we're using Nike's case study.
It's quite interesting and I'm reading this book called 'A new brand world', gifted by Zoo and written by Scott Bedbury, the man who worked for athletic shoes as well as caffeine (read Nike and Starbucks), which by the way are both so interesting and important parts of contemporary cultural vernacular.
Anyhow, I came back to Indore from a very homey MICAmpaign there. Home was brilliant as usual. I fought with mummy over stepping on the wet floor after mopping and over getting proper tickets booked and taking the print-outs on time with my dad and over everything else with my brother. And I also freaked out when my tickets were not done. But as a result I am educated far more in e-ticket booking rules and about how easily my eyes well up sometimes.

Anyhow, we played tennis again after a longish sabbatical. After the first few knocks, our rust also gave way to more freeflowing action :) PK played with her new racquet and I with my new shoes. But they totally bit and bit and now my toe pinkie is a splinters. :( but I will get used to my shoes while they take the shape of my feet, which i'm told are gigantic.

Till I'm able to finish this case on Nike and reading this book, I hope to not call it a night.
